Samstag, 3. Juli 2021


Generate APEX_DEBUG Calls to Trace Parameter Values for whole packages

APEX API Tracer enables the tracing of calls to package procedures or functions into the APEX Debug Log without manual programming.

This program can generate a package for tracing automatically when the following conditions apply:

  1.   the package is accessible to the schema user via a synonym.
  2.   the procedure or function is listed in the package header.
  3.   the package header is not wrapped.

The enable - procedure will generate a package with the same name as the synonym in your local schema.

The link from your local applications to the synonym will be intercepted by the generated package.

The package will contain the same functions and procedures as the original package.

When the Option 'Logging of Procedure Start' is set to Yes, then each function and procedure consists of:  

  1. A call to APEX_DEBUG.LOG_LONG_MESSAGE to produce log entries with text for valid PL/SQL procedure calls with enquoted parameters, that you can copy and paste into the sql console for testing. Arguments of type IN and IN/OUT are logged.
  2. A call to invocate the original procedure or functions.
  3. A call to APEX_DEBUG.LOG_LONG_MESSAGE to produce log entries for the output values and return values of the invocation. Arguments of type OUT and IN/OUT are logged.

When the Option 'Logging of Procedure Start' is set to No, then each function and procedure consists of:  

  1. A call to invocate the original procedure or functions. 
  2. A call to APEX_DEBUG.LOG_LONG_MESSAGE to produce log entries for all argument values and function return values of the invocation. Arguments of type IN, OUT, and IN/OUT are logged.

For other packages where the above-mentioned conditions do not apply, you can manually add generated code with invocations to the api_trace package to support logging for prepared functions or procedures in your own packages. 


Install the APEX application with supporting objects.

Start the Application and use the Switch in the column 'Tracing is Enabled' to start and stop the tracing of a package. The app will list for some packages the grant statements that you have to execute as an admin. 

Example output for the package APEX_LANG:

 create or replace NONEDITIONABLE PACKAGE       "APEX_LANG"  
 -- This package was generated by package_tracer from Strack Software Development, Berlin, Germany.  
 -- It replaces : PUBLIC SYNONYM "APEX_LANG" for "APEX_190100"."HTMLDB_LANG"  
 function message (  
   p_name           in varchar2 default null,  
   p0             in varchar2 default null,  
   p1             in varchar2 default null,  
   p2             in varchar2 default null,  
   p3             in varchar2 default null,  
   p4             in varchar2 default null,  
   p5             in varchar2 default null,  
   p6             in varchar2 default null,  
   p7             in varchar2 default null,  
   p8             in varchar2 default null,  
   p9             in varchar2 default null,  
   p_lang           in varchar2 default null,  
   p_application_id      in number default null)  
   return varchar2  
 procedure message_p (  
   p_name           in varchar2 default null,  
   p0             in varchar2 default null,  
   p1             in varchar2 default null,  
   p2             in varchar2 default null,  
   p3             in varchar2 default null,  
   p4             in varchar2 default null,  
   p5             in varchar2 default null,  
   p6             in varchar2 default null,  
   p7             in varchar2 default null,  
   p8             in varchar2 default null,  
   p9             in varchar2 default null,  
   p_lang           in varchar2 default null,  
   p_application_id      in number  default null)  
 function lang (  
   p_primary_text_string    in varchar2 default null,  
   p0             in varchar2 default null,  
   p1             in varchar2 default null,  
   p2             in varchar2 default null,  
   p3             in varchar2 default null,  
   p4             in varchar2 default null,  
   p5             in varchar2 default null,  
   p6             in varchar2 default null,  
   p7             in varchar2 default null,  
   p8             in varchar2 default null,  
   p9             in varchar2 default null,  
   p_primary_language     in varchar2 default null)  
   return varchar2  
 procedure create_message(  
   p_application_id in number,  
   p_name      in varchar2,  
   p_language    in varchar2,  
   p_message_text  in varchar2 )  
 procedure update_message(  
   p_id      in number,  
   p_message_text in varchar2 );  
 procedure delete_message(  
   p_id in number );  
 procedure update_translated_string(  
   p_id    in number,  
   p_language in varchar2,  
   p_string  in varchar2);  
 procedure seed_translations(  
   p_application_id in number,  
   p_language    in varchar2 );  
 procedure create_language_mapping(  
   p_application_id       in number,  
   p_language          in varchar2,  
   p_translation_application_id in number);  
 procedure update_language_mapping(  
   p_application_id       in number,  
   p_language          in varchar2,  
   p_new_trans_application_id  in number);  
 procedure delete_language_mapping(  
   p_application_id in number,  
   p_language    in varchar2);  
 procedure publish_application(  
   p_application_id      in number,  
   p_language         in varchar2,  
   p_new_trans_application_id in number default null );  
 procedure emit_language_selector_list;  
 end APEX_LANG;  
 create or replace NONEDITIONABLE PACKAGE BODY       "APEX_LANG"  
 function message (  
   p_name           in varchar2 default null,  
   p0             in varchar2 default null,  
   p1             in varchar2 default null,  
   p2             in varchar2 default null,  
   p3             in varchar2 default null,  
   p4             in varchar2 default null,  
   p5             in varchar2 default null,  
   p6             in varchar2 default null,  
   p7             in varchar2 default null,  
   p8             in varchar2 default null,  
   p9             in varchar2 default null,  
   p_lang           in varchar2 default null,  
   p_application_id      in number default null)  
   return varchar2  
   lv_result VARCHAR2(32767);  
   lv_result := apex_190100.htmldb_lang.message(p_name,p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p_lang,p_application_id);  
     apex_debug.log_long_message(p_message=>'API: ' || 'apex_lang.message('  
    || 'p_Name=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Name)  
    || ', p0=>' || api_trace.Literal(p0)  
    || ', p1=>' || api_trace.Literal(p1)  
    || ', p2=>' || api_trace.Literal(p2)  
    || ', p3=>' || api_trace.Literal(p3)  
    || ', p4=>' || api_trace.Literal(p4)  
    || ', p5=>' || api_trace.Literal(p5) || chr(10)  
    || ', p6=>' || api_trace.Literal(p6)  
    || ', p7=>' || api_trace.Literal(p7)  
    || ', p8=>' || api_trace.Literal(p8)  
    || ', p9=>' || api_trace.Literal(p9)  
    || ', p_Lang=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Lang)  
    || ', p_Application_Id=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Application_Id) || ')' || ' returns '  
    || api_trace.Literal(lv_result), p_level=>5);  
   return lv_result;  
 end message;  
 procedure message_p (  
   p_name           in varchar2 default null,  
   p0             in varchar2 default null,  
   p1             in varchar2 default null,  
   p2             in varchar2 default null,  
   p3             in varchar2 default null,  
   p4             in varchar2 default null,  
   p5             in varchar2 default null,  
   p6             in varchar2 default null,  
   p7             in varchar2 default null,  
   p8             in varchar2 default null,  
   p9             in varchar2 default null,  
   p_lang           in varchar2 default null,  
   p_application_id      in number  default null)  
     apex_debug.log_long_message(p_message=>'API: ' || 'apex_lang.message_p('  
    || 'p_Name=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Name)  
    || ', p0=>' || api_trace.Literal(p0)  
    || ', p1=>' || api_trace.Literal(p1)  
    || ', p2=>' || api_trace.Literal(p2)  
    || ', p3=>' || api_trace.Literal(p3)  
    || ', p4=>' || api_trace.Literal(p4)  
    || ', p5=>' || api_trace.Literal(p5) || chr(10)  
    || ', p6=>' || api_trace.Literal(p6)  
    || ', p7=>' || api_trace.Literal(p7)  
    || ', p8=>' || api_trace.Literal(p8)  
    || ', p9=>' || api_trace.Literal(p9)  
    || ', p_Lang=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Lang)  
    || ', p_Application_Id=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Application_Id) || ')', p_level=>5);  
 end message_p;  
 function lang (  
   p_primary_text_string    in varchar2 default null,  
   p0             in varchar2 default null,  
   p1             in varchar2 default null,  
   p2             in varchar2 default null,  
   p3             in varchar2 default null,  
   p4             in varchar2 default null,  
   p5             in varchar2 default null,  
   p6             in varchar2 default null,  
   p7             in varchar2 default null,  
   p8             in varchar2 default null,  
   p9             in varchar2 default null,  
   p_primary_language     in varchar2 default null)  
   return varchar2  
   lv_result VARCHAR2(32767);  
   lv_result := apex_190100.htmldb_lang.lang(p_primary_text_string,p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p_primary_language);  
     apex_debug.log_long_message(p_message=>'API: ' || 'apex_lang.lang('  
    || 'p_Primary_Text_String=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Primary_Text_String)  
    || ', p0=>' || api_trace.Literal(p0)  
    || ', p1=>' || api_trace.Literal(p1)  
    || ', p2=>' || api_trace.Literal(p2)  
    || ', p3=>' || api_trace.Literal(p3)  
    || ', p4=>' || api_trace.Literal(p4)  
    || ', p5=>' || api_trace.Literal(p5) || chr(10)  
    || ', p6=>' || api_trace.Literal(p6)  
    || ', p7=>' || api_trace.Literal(p7)  
    || ', p8=>' || api_trace.Literal(p8)  
    || ', p9=>' || api_trace.Literal(p9)  
    || ', p_Primary_Language=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Primary_Language) || ')' || ' returns '  
    || api_trace.Literal(lv_result), p_level=>5);  
   return lv_result;  
 end lang;  
 procedure create_message(  
   p_application_id in number,  
   p_name      in varchar2,  
   p_language    in varchar2,  
   p_message_text  in varchar2 )  
     apex_debug.log_long_message(p_message=>'API: ' || 'apex_lang.create_message('  
    || 'p_Application_Id=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Application_Id)  
    || ', p_Name=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Name)  
    || ', p_Language=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Language)  
    || ', p_Message_Text=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Message_Text) || ')', p_level=>5);  
 end create_message;  
 procedure update_message(  
   p_id      in number,  
   p_message_text in varchar2 )  
     apex_debug.log_long_message(p_message=>'API: ' || 'apex_lang.update_message('  
    || 'p_Id=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Id)  
    || ', p_Message_Text=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Message_Text) || ')', p_level=>5);  
 end update_message;  
 procedure delete_message(  
   p_id in number )  
     apex_debug.log_long_message(p_message=>'API: ' || 'apex_lang.delete_message('  
    || 'p_Id=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Id) || ')', p_level=>5);  
 end delete_message;  
 procedure update_translated_string(  
   p_id    in number,  
   p_language in varchar2,  
   p_string  in varchar2)  
     apex_debug.log_long_message(p_message=>'API: ' || 'apex_lang.update_translated_string('  
    || 'p_Id=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Id)  
    || ', p_Language=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Language)  
    || ', p_String=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_String) || ')', p_level=>5);  
 end update_translated_string;  
 procedure seed_translations(  
   p_application_id in number,  
   p_language    in varchar2 )  
     apex_debug.log_long_message(p_message=>'API: ' || 'apex_lang.seed_translations('  
    || 'p_Application_Id=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Application_Id)  
    || ', p_Language=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Language) || ')', p_level=>5);  
 end seed_translations;  
 procedure create_language_mapping(  
   p_application_id       in number,  
   p_language          in varchar2,  
   p_translation_application_id in number)  
     apex_debug.log_long_message(p_message=>'API: ' || 'apex_lang.create_language_mapping('  
    || 'p_Application_Id=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Application_Id)  
    || ', p_Language=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Language)  
    || ', p_Translation_Application_Id=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Translation_Application_Id) || ')', p_level=>5);  
 end create_language_mapping;  
 procedure update_language_mapping(  
   p_application_id       in number,  
   p_language          in varchar2,  
   p_new_trans_application_id  in number)  
     apex_debug.log_long_message(p_message=>'API: ' || 'apex_lang.update_language_mapping('  
    || 'p_Application_Id=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Application_Id)  
    || ', p_Language=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Language)  
    || ', p_New_Trans_Application_Id=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_New_Trans_Application_Id) || ')', p_level=>5);  
 end update_language_mapping;  
 procedure delete_language_mapping(  
   p_application_id in number,  
   p_language    in varchar2)  
     apex_debug.log_long_message(p_message=>'API: ' || 'apex_lang.delete_language_mapping('  
    || 'p_Application_Id=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Application_Id)  
    || ', p_Language=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Language) || ')', p_level=>5);  
 end delete_language_mapping;  
 procedure publish_application(  
   p_application_id      in number,  
   p_language         in varchar2,  
   p_new_trans_application_id in number default null )  
     apex_debug.log_long_message(p_message=>'API: ' || 'apex_lang.publish_application('  
    || 'p_Application_Id=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Application_Id)  
    || ', p_Language=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_Language)  
    || ', p_New_Trans_Application_Id=>' || api_trace.Literal(p_New_Trans_Application_Id) || ')', p_level=>5);  
 end publish_application;  
 procedure emit_language_selector_list  
     apex_debug.log_long_message(p_message=>'API: ' || 'apex_lang.emit_language_selector_list', p_level=>5);  
 end emit_language_selector_list;  

For some APEX APIs you have to grant access to the following objects:




Start an APEX application that you want to trace and execute a page with debugging LEVEL5 enabled. The debug log will now contain entries that list the invocations with input and output parameters for the prepared packages. 

Example APEX Debug Log with API Calls:

Trace Code for LOCAL packages

Here you can list invocations to the package api_trace for your own local packages.  

The switches 'Compact' and 'Logging of Procedure Start' control the code generation for your need.

Copy the listed code into your package to enable tracing of your procedures and functions.

The generated code uses the api_trace. Literal function to convert the passed values to quoted literals.

The function api_trace.Literal is overloaded to support many data types. Datatypes that can not be converted like records are logged with a <datatype x> placeholder. The logged values are truncated to a maximum length.

The compact form of the generated code is executed directly with the simple passing of the function arguments list. 

The number of arguments will be checked at runtime to match the count of arguments of the current calling function.

Publish Application Objects in other Schema

Here you can produce a mirror copy of a schema.
The target schema name should be a new empty schema, that was created in the APEX Admin / Workspace to Schema Assignment page.
In the copy tables and views are present as views that access the original tables and views.
Other objects like packages, functions, procedures, and types are represented as synonyms.
An application that can run in the original schema will be able to run in the copied schema too.

The application can be downloaded in the following Github repository:

A demo of the app can be found here:

Name: demo Password: Simple/8021

Samstag, 19. Juni 2021

An APEX Plugin for download of Interactive Reports as ZIP files

 APEX processing plugin for downloading large APEX Interactive Reports as ZIP files.

In case you have to download very large reports from an APEX Instance that is running behind a web proxy server or in cases where you have to download reports with more rows than the technical limit allows you to use, you can use this plugin to successfully download these reports. File size up to 2 GB is supported for the compressed data. The Sample App can be installed in APEX 5 or higher.


1. Install the plugin file process_type_plugin_com_strack-software_ir_zip_download.sql in your application.

2. add a Button to your Report region.

3. set the Button action to redirect and set the link to the current page with Request = 'ZIP_DOWNLOAD'

4. In the Rendering tab at pre-Rendering / Before Header you add a 'Process' of type 'plugin', choose the 'IR Zip Download' plugin.

    Set the Setting / Region Name to contain the title of the IR Region.

    Set Condition / Type to : REQUEST = Value, set Condition / Value to : ZIP_DOWNLOAD

The plugin performs the following steps:

1. extract the query with APEX_IR.GET_REPORT

2. bind the variables

3. Open cursor for the query

4. convert to CSV.

5. Convert to zip with APEX_ZIP.ADD_FIle

6. Start the download to the browser

The plugin can be downloaded from Github:

A demo app is available here:

Sonntag, 30. Mai 2021

A printer friendly template for the APEX Universal Theme

Oracle APEX enables you to optimize a page for printing: Optimizing a Page for Printing

In the Theme 25. Blue Responsive there exists a template PRINTER_FRIENDLY for printing an APEX page as HTML with the users' web browser in a printer-friendly modus. In the universal Theme 42. Universal Theme this template is missing. An attempt to print for example a large classic report page with Firefox via the Browsers Print Menu printed only the first page followed by empty pages. The responsive design CSS rules seem to cause this problem.

The printer_friendly output of multi-page reports in the APEX Universal Theme can be reactivated with a custom page template, a menu entry, and by printing with a jQuery plugin. These are the steps to implement the printer-friendly modus in an application with a universal theme. 

1. Install jQuery.print.js as an Application file

Download the file jQuery.print and then upload this file into your Shared Components / Static Application Files

After uploading the following file should be listed.

2. prepare the page template

Go to shared components Templates and filter the list with Theme = 42, Type = page. Then Copy the template named 'Minimal (No Navigation)' by clicking on the copy Icon of that row. Name the new template 'Printer Friendly'. Click Copy the save it.

3. Edit the new page template

Set the Template Class: Printer Friendly

In the entry for body paste the following HTML code. Above the #BODY# substitution tag, two buttons Back and Print have been inserted.
 <div class="t-Body">  
  <div class="t-Body-main">  
    <div class="t-Body-title" id="t_Body_title">  
    <div class="t-Body-content" id="t_Body_content">  
     <div class="t-Body-contentInner" role="main">  
     <button class="t-Button t-Button--noLabel t-Button--icon" onclick="history.back();" type="button" id="GO_BACK" title="Go Back" aria-label="Go Back">  
      <span class="t-Icon fa fa-arrow-left" aria-hidden="true">  
     <button class="t-Button t-Button--noLabel t-Button--icon" onclick="$.print(print_region);" type="button" id="PRINT_REPORT" title="Print Report" aria-label="Print Report">  
      <span class="t-Icon fa fa-print" aria-hidden="true">  
     <footer class="t-Footer" role="contentinfo">  
      <div class="t-Footer-body">  
       <div class="t-Footer-content">#REGION_POSITION_05#</div>  
 <div class="t-Body-inlineDialogs">  
At runtime, the buttons Back and Print will be displayed at the top of the page.

In the section 'Javascript' set
- Files URLs: 

- Functions and Global Variable Declaration:
var print_region = 'div.t-Body-contentInner';

- Execute when Page Loads:
$(document).ready(function() {
    window.setTimeout(function() {
    }, 100);

In the section 'Cascading Style Sheet' set 
- inline:
@media print {
  button#PRINT_REPORT,button#GO_BACK {
   display: none;

4. Edit the Theme Component defaults

In Shared Components click on Themes. In the Themes list click on the Name 'Universal Theme - 42'. Now set the Printer Friendly Page to  'Printer Friendly' and Save.

5. Prepare the menu entry

In Shared Components click on Navigation Bar List. In the Lists Report click on the Name 'Navigation Bar'. Now click on 'Create Entry'. Set the following items:

Image/Class: fa-print

List Entry Label: Print

Target type: Page in this Application

Page : &APP_PAGE_ID.

reset pagination for this page: enabled

Printer Friendly: enabled

Condition Type: User is Authenticated (not public) – to avoid display on the login page

After saving the Menu Entry the following line should be shown in the List Details:

When you run your application you will see a Print Icon in the upper-right of your web page. 

When you click this button the printer-friendly page will be loaded. The page will open the browser's printer dialog popup window. Here you can further optimize the output and redirect the output to a pdf file.

You can specify a print region for each page by overwriting the javascript variable print_region. For example, set the Static ID of a page region to TABLE_DATA_HEAD and then add the following line the the 'Function and Global Variable declaration': 

var print_region = $('div#TABLE_DATA_VIEW');

The template and its functionality is demonstrated in the Schema & Data Browser APEX application that has been released on